Signs of Angels Watching Over Us

Well, I’ve just posted a few words about how the Universe sends us gifts and roses, the little grace notes that affirm we’re not alone. Here is another story, quite different, that I told about in one of my books, though I forget which one just now (maybe The Path of Prayer?).

I was walking on the canal in Georgetown, and once again I was in a funk (You must think I’m always down, but actually I’m usually courageous and upbeat.) On this day, however, I was at the end of my rope. “God, give me a sign,” I spoke silently to my angels, my guides, “and don’t make it one of your subtle signs that I can’t read. I want something that will hit me over the head, because I’m not in a good place today. I need to know that  everything is going to be all right.”

Just then a flock of pigeons rose out of the waters of the canal, sweeping up in the air, swooping and circling, the light flashing from their white wings. I was startled. You expect sea gulls on the water perhaps, but not pigeons. At the same time, they were so beautiful that I stopped in wonder to watch them fly. Just then PLOP! One shat on me, right on top of my head.

What could I do but laugh? I’d asked for a sign to hit me on the top of the head, and here it was. It broke my foul mood. I went home light-hearted and back to my desk to work.

The ways of the angels are mysterious. But remember, children, we are not promised that nothing bad will happen to us. We’re promised that when they do we’re not alone!

May you have a lovely day. Winter is nearly over. Spring is coming. The light is returning (one more month to the solstice). Watch for signs. Be happy.

5 thoughts on “Signs of Angels Watching Over Us

  1. Oh, Sophy, I love that story and I love you! Yes, you really are upbeat and courageous and full of love and hope (you are an Aries, are you not?).You have been my go-to angel for 20 years. What an amazing life you have had. Thank you for sharing some of it with us.


    • I’m so glad you like it. We need more laughter, don’t you think? no! I’m not Aries. I’m a DOUBLE Sagittarian! all fire. I think if I had some Aries, I’d blow myself up!

      • Sophy, I believe Jane Goodal is also a double Sagg. And she has Aries rising! This combination in this woman has resulted in an unstoppable life!

  2. Sophy, thank you for those uplifing stories. They remind me that not only do we need to remember to be thankful, we need to remember to ask! We can’t do this all on our own but I know that I often forget to ask for help. Love your blog! It always brings me joy, regardless of the topic.

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